Antonio Porcar & Joan Monné, Peñíscola, 2013 © Sergio Cabanillas, 2013

Last June 11th, a historic moment happened at the iconic Blue Note of New York in the annual Jazz Journalists Association Awards. For the first time this prestigious institution rewarded a Spanish artist with the Jazz Photo Of The Year award. Castellón-based photographer Antonio Porcar portrayed a magical scene whereContinúa leyendo

The meeting in Ithaca, NY, of veteran US guitarist Steve Brown and Argentinian Guillermo Bazzola has favored one of the finest releases of 2014. Una pequeña alegría sounds like a kind and placid conversation between two friends next to a coffee -or a good mate– that brings together a commonContinúa leyendo

Cosecha en primavera. Luis Balaguer Verdeo Quinteto (Alcázar de Jerez, 2014-05-09 / El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz. 2014-05-10) 1

Fechas y lugares: Alcázar de Jerez. Viernes 9 de mayo de 2014 Restaurante El Arriate, El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz. Domingo 11 de mayo de 2014 Grupo: Luis Balaguer Verdeo Quinteto Luis Balaguer: guitarra Pedro Cortejosa: saxos Arturo Serra: vibráfono Jose López: contrabajo David León: batería y percusión Cosecha en primaveraContinúa leyendo

Marc Halbheer, Arild Andersen © Sergio Cabanillas, 2014

Marc Halbheer (drums), Christy Doran (guitar) and Arild Andersen (bass) have witnessed some of the most memorable moments of European jazz history, from Vienna Art Orchestra to OM and the birth and blossom of the iconic label ECM. We could have a pleasant chat with them in their last andContinúa leyendo

Wolfgang Haffner: Straight to the point. Interview by Arturo Mora Rioja 2

One of the most important figures of European jazz, drummer Wolfgang Haffner is now a resident of Ibiza, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea. Right after publishing his new work, Heart Of The Matter, on the German ACT label, and on the first stages of an European tour, HaffnerContinúa leyendo