Kurt Elling © Sergio Cabanillas, 2007

Singer and songwriter Kurt Elling has become a cultural icon in the U.S.A. The release of his latest record Nightmoves has taken him on a world tour which included a date in Madrid (July 13th 2007). Just a few hours before the concert Arturo Mora and Pablo Sanz had theContinúa leyendo

Xavi Reija © Jordi Vidal

Xavi Reija no es el batería más conocido de España, pero sí es un músico impresionante que dará que hablar y que habla por medio de sus tambores. Es un Summa Cum Laude por el Berklee College of Music de Boston, EE UU. Su música se viste de cambios deContinúa leyendo

Israel-born guitarist Roni Ben-Hur played three concerts and took part in a jazz seminar in Madrid (Spain) last February. A frequent sideman of pianist Barry Harris, Ben-Hur is about to release his fourth CD, Keepin’ It Open (Motema) along with Ronnie Mathews, Lewis Nash, Santi DeBriano, Jeremy Pelt and SteveContinúa leyendo

Scott Dubois is one of the top modern jazz guitarists in the New York scene today. Having just released his new CD Tempest (Soul Note, 2006), he will be performing live in Madrid’s 23rd Jazz Festival. Arturo Mora had the chance to interview him before his Spanish appearance.    Continúa leyendo

Scott Dubois es uno de los guitarristas de jazz moderno fundamentales en la escena neoyorquina actual. Con su nuevo CD Tempest (Soul Note, 2006) recién publicado, ofrecerá dos conciertos en el XXIII Festival de Jazz de Madrid. Arturo Mora tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistarle antes de su aparición española. ARTUROContinúa leyendo