Peter Brötzmann In Memoriam - Tomajazz 9.0 - El 22 de junio fallecía Peter Brötzmann (1941-2023), un titán del Free Jazz. En Peter Brötzmann in memorian le rendimos un homenaje con una

Peter Brötzmann In Memoriam

Peter Brötzmann In Memoriam - Tomajazz 9.0 - El 22 de junio fallecía Peter Brötzmann (1941-2023), un titán del Free Jazz. En Peter Brötzmann in memorian le rendimos un homenaje con una

“You can be an artist and a musician; it is the same thing, the same person doing both. With art, the person creates the work and shares their vision with an audience. The difference is that music is not only a musical experience but a social one. You are playing with somebody else and the exchange is the main thing. It is very different to working in a studio alone, with your canvas and materials. Then you might sometimes feel, ‘Yes! That’s it!’ However, pictures can be thrown away or changed, but in music there is nothing to correct — you cannot take it back. It is more of a risk, but it is great being on stage with people trying to create something good and maybe more. It is also about connecting with an audience. With music, the audience is in front of you. Musicians love that.”

Peter Brötzmann (1941-2023) In Memoriam

Cita tomada de una entrevista a Peter Brötzmann por Sammy Stein en Something Else! webzine. Fotografía tomada por Sera Martín en Lisboa, en Jazz Em Agosto 2011.

Texto: © Sammy Stein – Something Else!, 2014
Fotografía: © Sera Martín, 2023

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