Eduardo Unit - A Jazzar No Zeca
The Electrics Chain of Accidents
Ellington: Never No Lament - The Blanton/Webster Band (Especial “25
discos de Jazz: una guía esencial”)
Ellington: The Okeh Ellington (Especial “25 discos de Jazz: una guía
Duke Ellington
- The Piano Player
Duke Ellington - 1969
All-Star White House Tribute
El-P - High Water
Elements Of The 7th -
Rhythm Process = 2x ( y ) + 3
David Liebman / Ellery Eskelin
- Different but the same
Ellery Eskelin - Ten (de
dos en dos)
Ellery Eskelin - Ten / EEwAP&JB+3(10)
Ellery Eskelin - Forms
Ellery Eskelin with Andrea Parkins &
Jim Black Arcanum Moderne
Ellery Eskelin One Great Day...
e.s.t. (Esbjörn Svensson
Trio) - Viaticum (de dos en dos)
e.s.t. (Esbjörn Svensson
Trio) - Viaticum
- Seven days of falling
Robin Eubanks - Karma
Bill Evans Crosscurrents / From The 70's
Evans: Waltz For Debby / Sunday At The Village Vanguard (Especial
“25 discos de Jazz: una guía esencial”)
Gil Evans:
Out Of The Cool (Especial “25 discos de Jazz: una guía esencial”)
Evans Level Playing Field
Exuberance - Live At Vision Festival