Fred Jung – All About Jazz: What attracted you to free jazz?
Henry Grimes: I had an idea about what free music was and so I guess having an idea, it automatically enlists you into what a lot of free playing musicians are. That is what happened to me. Before I could realize anything, they were all kind of interested in what I was doing. Before I could even recover from my own surprise, I was in with Albert Ayler, Denis Charles, Mingus, Cecil Taylor, and on and on and on. I really enjoyed playing free music. The freedom of expression, that was the main point with me. The expression, you just have free will to play just what you feel. Your own free will dictates to you to play. There were no other influences that could override your own influences to play free music. I encourage a lot of classical musicians to get with some jazz musicians and see what it is to develop free music. The free music of jazz outweighs a lot of expressions in other music because it is moving forward and ahead and it has very much to do with free sounds and things that have never been heard before, being done.
Henry Grimes (1935 – 2020)
Entrevista a Henry Grimes en All About Jazz: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/a-fireside-chat-with-henry-grimes-henry-grimes-by-aaj-staff.php
Fotografía de Henry Grimes: © Joan Cortès, 2020.
Henry Grimes Trio. 3 de octubre de 2005. Temporada 2005 Arco y Flecha. El Mercat de les Flors, sala Ovidi Montllor. Barcelona
Henry Grimes: contrabajo
David Murray: saxo tenor y clarinete bajo.
Hamid Drake: batería y timbal.
La reseña doble del concierto se puede leer en https://tomajazz.com/web/?p=50263
Henry Grimes también pasó por el Johnny como contrabajista del grupo Marc Ribot’s Spiritual Unity. Sergio Cabanillas y Arturo Mora lo contarón aquí: https://tomajazz.com/web/?p=50276